Latest News

Here is the place for all the latest new relating to the bowls club

 NEW SHIRTS. The new shirts have arrived and the following arrangements have been made for their issue.

Mike and/or Paul will be available to issue the new shirts, 30 minutes before and during coffee break at the short mat bowls sessions on Tuesday & Thursday morning & evenings next week, 1st & 3rd of October.

Please pay the £28.00 per shirt (£20.00 if you are a new bowler, this is your first shirt purchase and you wish to claim the £8.00 club subsidy on offer), at the time of collection, either by cash or card – not bank transfer.

Archived News

HBC Xmas Party Review on Sat 16th December - see Social Events for more details

HBC Roll Up Party Review on Thu 21st December - see Social Events for more details

HBC Bingo Night Saturday 20th January 2024 -POSTPONED  - see Social Events for more details

HBC Party documents for you to download 

HBC Party In The Park Sunday 6th August - please sign up more information on Social Events 

Open day being held on Sunday 30th April - please invite any friends/colleagues - see Join Us >> 

Quiz Night on Friday 12th May 2023 - please sign up more information on Social Events 

Short Mat Aussie Rules Tournament was held on 15th April   Please see here for more information Indoor News