Safeguarding Policy
“Our Privacy, Safeguarding and other Policies and Procedures are available to view on request”
Harpole Bowls Club has a moral and legal obligation to ensure that children and vulnerable adults participating in Club activities can do so in a safe environment and to safeguard their welfare.
It is the Policy of the Bowls Club to empower The General Committee to manage the needs of individuals by adherence to the following principles:
· The welfare of the individual is paramount.
· Each individual whatever their age, culture, disability, gender, language, racial origin, religious beliefs and/or sexual identity, have the right to be protected from abuse.
· Each individual has a right to be safe, and to be treated with respect & dignity.
· All members have a responsibility to give the highest standards of care and report concerns of abuse to the club’s Safeguarding Officer.
· All suspicions and allegations of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and appropriately.
A responsible person shall be appointed annually as Safeguarding Officer to whom members can address any concerns
Our Safeguarding Officer is:
WENDY LOVELL 01604 592071
When Wendy is not available please contact any member of the committee.
The effectiveness of our policy is reviewed annually at the first Committee Meeting following the AGM.