Join Us 

Looking for a new hobby? Want to be part of a new community? Bowls is just about the most inclusive sport going, with all ages and genders able to compete on equal terms. 

We have 3 indoor short mat bowls rinks in the main hall and these are available all year round . 

In the summer months (Apr - Sept) we have the Outdoor bowls rink available as well. 

For more information about the game of bowls look at our page on Playing the game of Bowls 

Come and try indoor short mat bowls ..

You are welcome to come along to one of our weekly roll up sessions 

Try Outdoor Bowls 

We are holding an OPEN DAY on Sunday April 28th 2024, any time between 10:30am and 4:00pm  

or Come along to a FREE COACHING SESSION, any Wednesday evening during May starting at 7:00pm.

Interested call Brian Hartgrove on 01604 756764 or use the Contact Us page